The partnership behind the Education & Pitt-Titusville的培训中心允许当前和未来的学生充分利用一系列机会, 包括北宾夕法尼亚地区学院(NPRC)的各种选择.
NPRC提供工商管理五个副学士学位的学术课程, criminal justice, early childhood education, liberal studies, and social sciences at the Education and Training Hub. 该中心作为NPRC的两个教学地点之一,服务于克劳福德县及其周边地区.
NPRC通过为参加皮特护理计划的学生提供一些通识教育要求,支持皮特-凤凰彩票平台APP下载教育和培训中心提供的护理计划. Additionally, NPRC和皮特有衔接协议,为成功完成NPRC普通教育证书并满足皮特所有入学要求的学生提供护理项目的保证席位.
NPRC offers affordable, 符合ETC护理课程的先决条件和课程要求的面对面通识教育课程. 这些课程可以由未来的护理候选人通过注册NPRC攻读学位或证书的学生或非学位的学生来完成.
作为皮特-凤凰彩票平台APP下载教育培训中心的一部分, 已经申请皮特-凤凰彩票平台APP下载大学并收到护理信的学生可以联系NPRC凤凰彩票官网办公室 for their next steps in the enrollment process. 直接被护理专业录取的学生可以申请作为NPRC的访问学生入学,并通过NPRC注册完成护理专业要求的12个学分的通识教育课程.
In addition to academic offerings, 劳动力发展机会目前在选定的能力提供,并为当地企业提供定制培训也是一种选择.
To learn more about NPRC's mission and offerings visit the College’s website.
Northern Pennsylvania Regional College
Certificate in General Studies
30 Credit Hours
General Education Foundational Courses (24 Credit Hours)
Course # | NPRC Course Name | Credit Hours | Course # | Pitt-Titusville Course Name | Credit Hours |
ENG 110^ | Writing I | 3 | ENG 0101 | English Composition I | 3 |
ENG 115 or ENG 210 | Writing II or Business and Professional Communication | 3 | ENG 0102 | ENG 110 | 3 |
SPC 205 |
Interpersonal Communication or College Algebra |
3 | ENG 110 | ||
BIO 105 or BIO 110^^ |
Environmental Biology or |
3 | BIOL 0112 | Human Biology | 3 |
MTH 120^ or |
Foundations of Math or |
3 | MATH 0110 or MATH 0098 |
Fundamentals of Mathematics or College Algebra II |
3 |
PHL 110 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 | PHIL 0101 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
PSY 110 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 | PSY0101 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
SOC 110 or HIST 110 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 | SOC 0101 or HIST0104 |
Introduction to Sociology or Europe in the 19th Century |
3 |
Specialized Courses (6 Credit Hours)
Course # | NPRC Course Name | Credit Hours | Course # | Pitt-Titusville Course Name | Credit Hours |
BIO 111^^^ | Human Biology Lab | 1 | BIOSC 0114 | Human Biology Lab | 1 |
BUS 105 |
Business Foundations |
3 | |||
CIS 150 |
Business Technology I |
3 |
CRJ 110 |
Introduction to Criminal Justice |
3 | |||
ECE 232 |
Child Development |
3 | |||
ENG 220 |
Introduction to Literature |
3 | |||
FIN 110 |
Music Appreciation |
3 | |||
FIN 205 |
Humanities Through the Arts |
3 | |||
POL 210 |
US Government and Politics |
3 | |||
REL 210 |
World Religions |
3 | |||
Free Elective+ |
^所有修读英语110和理科120的学生都必须修辅导课, MTH 130, 或MTH 225,除非学生要求豁免并符合要求.
+In consultation with your student engagement specialist, 根据你的教育目标选择任何三学分的课程.
Total Credit Hours Required = 30
NPRC Course Designator and Number |
NPRC Course Name | Credit Hours | Pitt-Titusville Course Designator and Number | Pitt-Titusville Course Name | Credit Hours |
ENG 110^ |
Writing I | 3 | ENG 0101 |
English Composition I |
3 |
ENG 115 |
Writing II | 3 | ENG 0102 |
English Composition II |
3 |
SPC 205 or SPC 210 |
Interpersonal Communication or Public Speaking |
3 | COMM 0115 |
Interpersonal Communication |
BIO 110 |
Human Biology | 3 | BIOL 0112 |
Human Biology |
3 |
MTH 120^ or MTH 130^ or MTH 225 |
Foundations of Math or College Algebra or Applied Statistics |
3 | MATH 0110 or MATH 0098 |
Fundamentals of Mathematics or |
3 |
PHL 110 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 | PHIL 0101 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
3 |
PSY 110 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 | PSY 0101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
SOC 110 or HIST 110 |
Introduction to Sociology or History Without Borders |
3 | SOC 0101 or HIST 0104 |
Introduction to Sociology or |
3 |
BIO 111^^ | Human Biology Lab | 1 | BIOL 0114 |
Human Biology Lab |
1 |
Articulation Agreement Provisions:
Acceptance will be offered into the University’s A.(1)成功完成本协议规定的NPRC普通学习证书的所有要求, (2) has an earned combined GPA > 3.0 on all completed science and math courses, (3) has an earned overall GPA > 2.75, (4) completes the University’s application, (5)符合大学的额外入学要求, including being in good academic and conduct standing with NPRC.
Inclusion in the competitive admission candidate pool for the A.S. in Nursing is granted to any student who (1) successfully completes > 12 credits of coursework required for the Certificate in General Studies at NPRC specified by this agreement, (2) has an overall GPA>2.75, (3) completes the University’s applications, (4)符合大学的额外入学要求, including being in good academic and conduct standing with NPRC. Acceptance into the program is not guaranteed.
Where applicable, 一般学习证书的课程要求的反向转移,该证书在入学后完成.S. 在学生提交(1)NPRC的毕业申请和(2)匹兹堡大学向NPRC提交成绩单的请求后,学生将免费获得护理学专业的学位.
Additional Requirements:
下表概述了在匹兹堡大学凤凰彩票平台APP下载教育和培训中心进入匹兹堡大学护理专业的学生在NPRC注册并被匹兹堡大学布拉德福德分校接受的课程等效性. 列出的具体课程符合护理计划完成的要求.
NPRC Course Designator and Number |
NPRC Course Name |
Credit Hours |
Pitt-Titusville Hub Course Designator and Number | Pitt-Titusville Hub Course Name | Credit Hours |
ENG 110^ |
Writing I | 3 |
ENG 0101 |
English Composition I |
3 |
*PHL 110 or |
Introduction to Philosophy |
3 |
PHIL 0101 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
3 |
PSY 110 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
PSY 0101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
*SOC 110 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 | SOC 0101 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |